I know I have been off the air for a long time. Today I am starting anew and I hope you will find the posts of interest.
I received in the mail this week, the latest edition of Gifted Child Today. It is probably the premier journal for practitioners (read "teachers") in gifted education. An annual subscription is $40 and it might just be the best $40 you spend in your professional life. It will also be of great benefit for teachers in all kinds of education, not just gifted education.
The previous edition has several good articles that will benefit you, like "Teaching Science to Gifted Children in the Primary Grades."
And another that you should read straight away by Kevin Besnoy, is called "Using Public Relations Strategies to Advocate for Gifted Programming at your School."
The new edition has an excellent article by Hebert and Pagnani, called, "Engaging Gifted Boys in New Literacies." This article talks about the issues faced by parents and teachers in engaging boys in reading and ends with 4 pages of excellent resources an boy-friendly books. It is not yet available online, but check back at the Gifted Child Today website regularly, because they invariably publish some of the articles online. This one is sure to be a winner and will almost certainly be published online.
Do yourself a favor - Get Gifted Child Today (not to be confused with Gifted Child Quarterly, which is a research journal - not the same at all). It is always chockful of practical, research based strategies to improve your teaching and engage your students, whether they are identified gifted or not. I know I sound like an advertisement for Prufrock Press who publishes the Journal, but if a product is helpful, I want you to know about it.
Enjoy the last of the summer. School starts soon :)